Favemanc ventilated

Technical Consultancy

during the
design stage

In early stages of the project, when it is simply an idea, a concept in architects and designers’s minds, Favemanc is the most suitable partner for its conceptual developing. Our experience and know-how is offered to the technicians to make their projects real. Bespoke solutions and elements is one of our strengths that makes us a suitable partner in projects where Ventilated façades plays the main role.

Concepto boceto proyecto construccion arquitecto bn
Mano sobre planes construccion casco amarillo herramienta dibujo bn


Our presence may involve the entire life-cycle of the project since early stages to delivery of buildings. Once the main guidelines of the project are determined and project enter phases of more detailed technical definition we keep on assisting designing teams for the choice of the right system. An in-depth study of the design requirements along with the technical specifications to fulfill turns into the optimized final proposal.


Other of our strengths consists of the human resources, including installation teams specialized in our systems. Our technical department is capable to provide training for installation teams as well as on site technical assistance for setting, starting, and final execution of installation works.

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