Summer and warm days arrive and there is no better feeling than diving into a pool in full sun. Private pools have become the key element around which all summer plans are organized.
For children, with friends, with family... swimming pools are becoming increasingly popular and private demand has risen exponentially in recent years. Furthermore, as is the case with anything undertaken with passion, a great deal of care and attention is paid to the construction of a Private swimming pools: the characteristics, the size, the materials, etc., everything is carefully chosen to create the perfect swimming pool.
Among all the factors that are considered when making your own pool, there is one that stands out above all else: safety. In the private and family environment, where what matters most are people, safety is paramount. For this reason, ceramic coatings become the best allies for our pools. safetyIn a private, family environment where people are what matter the most, safety is essential. For that reason, ceramic wall tile becomes one of our best allies when building a swimming pool.
Aware of this aspect, at Gresmanc, we have developed complete collections with the widest range of special pieces in porcelain stoneware specially designed for swimming pools.
We give you the 7 main advantages of porcelain tile for swimming pools that will convince you that it is the best option to cover your pool: las 7 principales ventajas del porcelánico para piscinas que te convencerán de que es la mejor opción para revestir tu piscina:
1 – Extruded porcelain stoneware has extreme resistance and great durability, it is a material with low water absorption in which both its finishes and its physical properties remain unchanged over time. The low absorption means that frost and other types of inclement weather do not harm the pieces installed in the pools. In addition, the correct placement of the pieces with the joint prevents breakage due to the expansion and contraction of the pieces depending on the outside temperature. resistencia extrema y una gran durabilidad, es un material de baja absorción de agua en el que tanto sus acabados como sus propiedades físicas se mantienen inalterables en el tiempo. La baja absorción hace que las heladas y otro tipo de inclemencias climatológicas no perjudique a las piezas instaladas en las piscinas. Además, la correcta colocación de las piezas con junta evita las roturas por la dilatación y la contracción de piezas en función de la temperatura exterior.
2 – Gresmanc porcelain has a non-slip finish that complies with all regulations and standards for slipping on bare feet while being soft to the touch and easy to clean. This is the exclusive Soft Tech C3 finish that prevents falls and slips on wet surfaces and makes scratches and snags when getting in and out of the pool a thing of another era. Non-slip finish que cumple con todas las normativas y estándares de deslizamiento a pie descalzo a la vez que es suave al tacto y fácil de limpiar. Se trata del exclusivo acabado Soft Tech C3 que evita las caídas y resbalones en superficies mojadas y hace que los arañazos y enganchones a la hora de entrar y salir de la piscina pasen a ser de otra época.
3 – Ease of cleaning and maintenance: the surface enamel of the pieces of our porcelain tile for swimming pools and its smooth finish make it a material that is highly resistant to stains and allows easy maintenance and comfortable cleaning. In addition, it is not affected by the possible chemical products that can be used to purify the pool water. limpieza y mantenimiento: el esmalte superficial de las piezas de nuestro porcelánico para piscinas y su acabado suave, hace que sea un material muy resistente a las manchas y que permite un fácil mantenimiento y una cómoda limpieza. Además, no se ve afectado por los posibles productos químicos que puedan utilizarse para la depuración del agua de la piscina.
4 – In humid environments, where there is a risk of proliferation of bacteria and fungi, it is important to have surfaces that protect you from them. Gresmanc extruded porcelain stoneware has exclusive antibacterial and antiviral properties, guaranteed by the ISO 22196 and ISO 21702 regulations. propiedades antibacterianas y antivíricas, avaladas por las normativas ISO 22196 e ISO 21702.
5 – The advantage of extruded ceramic is that it allows special pieces and constructive solutions suitable for all kinds of finishes and challenges in a work (steps, pool edges, drainage grates, corners, curved angles, half rounds...). Pieces that provide definitive solutions of high value, which are aesthetically integrated into the space as a whole and provide perfect finishes that make a difference. soluciones constructivas adecuadas para todo tipo de remates y retos en una obra (peldaños, bordes de piscina, rejillas de drenaje, esquinas, ángulos curvos, medias cañas…). Piezas que dan soluciones definitivas de alto valor, que se integran estéticamente en el conjunto del espacio y aportan acabados perfectos que marcan la diferencia.
6 – The aesthetic issue, of course, we cannot ignore it. The variety of designs, colors and formats available makes the design possibilities endless. From the most traditional designs to the most daring bets in line with the latest decoration and landscaping trends, the porcelain collections for swimming pools are inspired by nature, recreating veins of all types of stones and earth tones to create unique and very personal. variedad de diseños, colores y formatos disponible hace que las posibilidades de diseño sean infinitas. Desde los diseños más tradicionales, hasta las apuestas más atrevidas línea con las últimas tendencias de decoración y paisajismo, las colecciones de porcelánicos para piscinas están inspiradas en la naturaleza, recreando vetas de todo tipo de piedras y tonalidades de tierra para crear espacios únicos y muy personales.
7 – Es la opción más sostenible. De origen 100% natural, la cerámica es uno de los materiales que menos residuos genera en todo su ciclo de vida dejando una menor huella de carbono y sus altas prestaciones hacen que sea una opción muy duradera en el tiempo.